A New Year, A New Look, and New Priorities

Last year I ‘re-started’ this blog with a new theme, new look, and new goals for what I wanted.

It. All. Fell. Flat.

Flat as in on it’s face.  I didn’t post anything.  I tried, I had many thoughts of what I thought would be great written pieces, great commentary and reviews,  great photos of my travels, the new addition to my family, my new job, a renewed spiritual walk, and many other things, but I noticed something.

I just didn’t want to write.  I didn’t want to post pictures.  I was lazy.  And I was lazy, everywhere.  And it hurt me.  It hurt my family.  It hurt my friends.   It hurt people that want to invest in me spiritually.  I let you down, and for that, I’m sorry.

So, with 2014 in the rear-view mirror, and 2015 fresh and new, I’d like to make a commitment to all that I let down.  I’d like to be a better husband, a better dad, a better photographer, a better person.

I think this blog is going to help me do just that.

While I won’t bother you with the empty promises of writing more, or posting more, or other things that will fall to the wayside by February, I will say that I will try.  I will try to do the following, here on my little area of cyberspace.  I will write, at least one post per month, with some conviction of mine that I’ve been having.  It may be political, may be spiritual, may be comical, may be anything, but it will be something.   I’m hoping to show you more writing, more photos, more of whats going on in our crazy lives.

I will also do this while keeping my commitment to playing with my children more, and keeping my wife happy with me on the to-do list. (Love you Amy)

Well, since I probably don’t have many readers on this site, I probably don’t need to point it out, but there’s a new look to it, it’s much more simple, easy on the eyes, and easy on the posts.  I hope all 5 of you have a great new year!

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