Category Archives: Photography

Adventures in Film Photography – The Restart

Just to photography is hard… In the last post… I went through my time starting film photography a few years and months ago, and how I had a massive fail. Now I am at a point where I am committed to getting it right. Here is the next part of the story! Restarting means...

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Adventures in Film Photography – A Story of Failure

Earlier this year, for the first time in a decade, something happened along my photography journey that hasn’t happened since I first started. I completely and utterly failed at taking pictures with my camera. Not with my digital camera, but with film. It was a new journey into film photography for me. My dad in...

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Something new…and lighter!

Since I’ve been on my social media break..I’ve had some time to clean out my closets….and dug this out! It’s my dad’s 1977 Miranda EE SLR with film that might be as old as the camera itself(and a set of Fuji 160 which I may have bought like 10 years ago :)).  I’m excited to...

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Houston, TX Photography Tour (revised)

A few years back, I posted a photography tour of Houston….that consisted of one image.  My intention was to post more images and I just didn’t. Well, with my tearful goodbye to Canon and hello to Sony, I’ve sparked it back up.  So without any further ado, enjoy my latest trip to Houston!  I mostly...

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The end of an era, and the beginning of a new one

On Friday, August 24, the end of an era happened in my life.  It had been going on for 15 years, met my girlfriend, had a wedding, had a house, had a kid, had another, sent kid 1 to school….that era change is… I no longer own a Canon camera. To be honest, I felt...

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