What are 5 of my ‘safe’ movies and TV shows?

My next entry into my journaling as provided by my journal prompt…(SEE HERE), my next prompt asked me….What are 5 of my safe movies and safe TV Shows? I think it’s best that we define what is safe before I get into what the movies and TV shows are, but I will say this…1) The movie is one of my favorite movies ever made, and 2) it’s one that I can watch without thinking about it. In other words, I pretty much know the script and know the ending. I generally will watch my safe TV shows more than the movies, because I can do it while I’m working or while I’m doing something else…but without further ado…here they are!

5 Safe movies:
1) Shawshank Redemption – Simply one of the best movies made, with a story line that makes you forget just how long it is.
2) Saving Private Ryan – Steven Spielberg is just magic. Best action scenes of any movie ever made.
3) TRON: Legacy – I don’t really care for the plot line, but this one is always fun when I just want to sit in my media room and shake the house.
4) Tommy Boy – The one movie I can quote from cover to cover.
5) Talledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby – It’s my one liner favorite.

Honorable Mentions: Jurassic Park, The LEGO Movie, Monsters Inc., Billy Madison, Anchorman

5 Safe TV Shows:
1) The West Wing – This is quite honestly one of the best television series ever made. There is excellent writing, it is cast absolutely perfect, and the plot lines are constantly compelling. I think my favorite period of the show is the middle of Season 2, starting at ’17 People’ and going through the re-election, but in reality the entire show is just the best. Favorite Characters: Sam, Toby and Charlie, worst characters are Mandy(season 1) and Taylor Reid (Season 4)

2) Band of Brothers – Based on a true story, I find something different to focus on each and every time. It’s like watching 10+ hours of Saving Private Ryan, except this stuff actually happened. Episode 6 (Bastogne) will change your view of how that war was won and might be one of the most compelling content I’ve ever seen. This show is my #1 favorite TV show of all time. Favorite Characters are Major Winters; Perconte; and Bill Guarnere

3) The Wire – Focusing dually on both drug police and the drug trade in Baltimore, I can almost quote this show from beginning to end. There are three strong seasons and two weak ones, but averaged out, this show is just awesome.

4) House of Cards – This is my dark series, lots of intrigue, but also Kevin Spacey is amazing at breaking the fourth wall.

5) Entourage – This is a boys soap opera. I am addicted.

Honorable Mentions: Friends, Yellowstone, El Chapo, Narcos, Boston Legal

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