A few years back, I posted a photography tour of Houston….that consisted of one image. My intention was to post more images and I just didn’t. Well, with my tearful goodbye to Canon and hello to Sony, I’ve sparked it back up. So without any further ado, enjoy my latest trip to Houston! I mostly stayed on the SouthEast side of the city for this rendition.

Sony A7RIII | .4 sec | F11 | ISO 400

Sony A7RIII | 30 sec | F10 | ISO 50 | 28mm

Sony A7RIII | 7 shot 1/3 stop HDR | Key Image 1/200 | F/16 | ISO 200 | 28mm

Sony A7RIII | 7 shot 1/3 stop HDR | Key Image 30 sec | F/22 | ISO 50 | 28mm

Sony A7RIII | 7 shot 1/3 stop HDR | Key Image 30 sec | F/22 | ISO 50 | 28mm

Sony A7RIII | 1/500 | F/8 | ISO 200 | 31mm

Sony A7RIII | 30 sec. | F/8 | ISO 50 | 75 mm

Sony A7RIII | 1/1250 | F/7.1 | ISO 200 | 75mm

Sony A7RIII | 7 Shot HDR | Key Image 1/40 sec | f/8.0 | ISO 50 | 28mm

Sony A7RIII | 30 sec| f/20 | ISO 200 | 75mm